Friday, November 11, 2016

11/11/16 - Veteran's Day

On days like today, we're called upon to remember those who have risked and sacrificed their life for our country. Celebrated on the anniversary of the end of World War 1, Veteran's Day, formerly known as Armistice Day until 1954, has been a symbol and a means of unity for the American people for 97 years, even though it has only been recognized as a legal holiday for 78. With the recent election, the uprisings, and harsh feelings brought about, it is vital that we hear these calls for unity we are reminded of each year on November 11th.

It's because of our veterans that America stands where it does today. Their sacrifices have allowed us to a uphold a system of democracy that we often take for granted. Their actions have allowed for our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

So, go. Be thankful, and show your thankfulness not only in your words, but in your actions. Embody the America you want to live in with how you present yourself. This is how we honor our veterans; this is how we work to make our country better.

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